Reinier van Noort

Reinier van Noort

I started modern (foil) fencing in 2003, but after being introduced to Medieval European Martial Arts in the summer of 2005 my life changed forever. From 2005 until 2010, I trained in longsword with the Orde der Noorderwind, and with Zwaard en Steen. In that time, I also studied fighting with other medieval weapons, such as the sickle, dagger and pollaxe. Since 2007, I have been increasingly active as an instructor. I have also trained Kadochnikov Systema under Maxim Pipotja, from 2008 until 2011.

In 2010, I founded the School voor Historische Schermkunsten - the first HEMA school in the Netherlands to focus on fencing with the rapier - and started studying rapier fencing, based mainly on the treatise by Bruchius. In 2014, I moved to Norway, where I now teach with the Fekteklubben Frie Duellister, doing rapier (Oslo) and Italian sidesword (Jessheim).

In addition to my martial studies, I have also performed more academic research into the HEMA source material, focusing on martial arts in the Netherlands and Germany in the later 17th century. This research has resulted in the publication of a number of books, and articles, presenting English translations as well as transcriptions of various treatises, as well as insight into their historical context.

Copyright 2016, Reinier van Noort.