
The following is a list of publications on Historical European Martial Arts, written by Reinier van Noort.

- Van Noort, Reinier (2024) Salomon Christoph Müller's First Principles of the Noble Art of Fencing, an English translation by Reinier van Noort of Manuscript MS.B 215 by Salomon Christoph Müller (after 1757).

- Van Noort, Reinier, Jan Schäfer and Tobias Zimmermann (2023) Siegmund Carl Friedrich Weischner's Fencing Exercises at the Court of Saxony, an English translation by Reinier van Noort, Jan Schäfer and Tobias Zimmermann of all three editions of Siegmund Carl Friedrich Weischner's treatise on fencing (1731, 1764 and 1765).

- Van Noort, Reinier (2023) New Art of Defense and Offense., an English translation by Reinier van Noort, of Giovanni (Johann) Negri's dual language treatise published in Nuremberg in 1681.

- Van Noort, Reinier (2023) Fencing according to Signor Salvatore and Signor Giovanni Maria Maganini - Ms 62., an English translation by Reinier van Noort, of the fencing text on fol. 11r to 28v of manuscript Montbéliard Ms 62.

- Van Noort, Reinier (2022) A number of general rules and observations on fencing, connected to the Royal Academy at Sorø., a partial English translation by Reinier van Noort, of manuscript MIL. IV 30, held by the University of Wroclaw.

- Van Noort, Reinier (2021) The Officer's Staff by Matthias Schlüter, presenting an English translation by Reinier van Noort, of the first and sixth exercises of this work, detailing the use of the partisan or hunting staff, and the cutting sword.

- Van Noort, Reinier and Iacopo Iacopono (2020) Gio. Pietro Gorio's Art of using the Sword to injure securely and defend yourself perfectly. An English translation of Gio. Pietro Gorio's Arte di Adoprar la Spada, originally published in Italian in 1682.

- Schäfer, Jan (2019) Jean Jamain de Beaupré's Very Easy Method for Instruction in the Art of the Sword. Containing an English translation by Reinier van Noort of Jean Jamain de Beaupré's Methode tres facile pour former la Noblesse dans l'Art de l'Epée, originally published bilingually in French and German in 1721.

- Van Noort, Reinier (2019) Nicolaes Petter's Clear Instructions in the excellent Art of Grappling. An English translation of Nicolaes Petter's Klare onderrichtinge der Voortreffelijcke Worstel-konst, originally published in Dutch and in German in 1674.

- Van Noort, Reinier (2019) Pascha's Grappling re-ordered, presenting all grappling lessons from Pascha's Vollständiges Fecht-Ring- und VoltigierBuch of 1673 as well as earlier editions, in English, and re-ordered.

- Van Noort, Reinier (2019) New, fashionable, knightly art of fencing and defending.. An English translation of Alexander Doyle's treatise on fencing, originally published in German in 1715.

- Van Noort, Reinier (2018) The Martial Arts of Johann Georg Pascha. Containing English translations of Pascha's treatises on grappling, fencing, and the use of the hunting staff, and of the partisan.

- Van Noort, Reinier (2018) Johann Andreas Schmidt's Life-saving and Enemies-defying Art of Fencing. An English translation of Johann Andreas Schmidt's Leib-beschirmende und Feinden Trotz-bietende Fecht-Kunst.

- Van Noort, Reinier and Jan Schäfer (2018) Proper description of thrust-fencing. An English translation of Mscr.Dresd.C.13., dated 1671 and signed by Johann Georg Pascha.

- Van Noort, Reinier (2018) New Discours on the Art of Fencing, an English translation of Joachim Köppe's Newer Discurs der Rittermeßigen und Weitberümbten Kunst des Fechtens, originally published first in 1619. ISBN 978-82-690382-3-1.

- Van Noort, Reinier (2017) Regulation Fencing Exercises in the Royal Navy - Second part, an English translation of the second part of the 1910 Voorschrift Schermoefeningen bij de Koninklijke Marine (Regulation Fencing Exercises in the Royal Navy), dealing with the Italian sabre.

- Van Noort, Reinier (2017) Exercises with the Cutlass, an English translation of the cutlass section of the 1910 Voorschrift Schermoefeningen bij de Koninklijke Marine (Regulation Fencing Exercises in the Royal Navy).

- Van Noort, Reinier (2017) Van Humbeek's Fencing with the Sabre, an English translation of L. J. M. P. van Humbeek's Handleiding voor het Sabelschermen (Manual for Sabre Fencing).

Van Noort, Reinier and Jan Schäfer (2017) An analysis and comparison of two German thrust-fencing manuscripts. Acta Periodica Acta 5, 63-74, doi:10.1515/apd-2017-0002.

- Van Noort, Reinier (2017) Scandinavian Smallsword, containing English translations three Scandinavian fencing treatises originally published in the 18th century. ISBN 978-82-690382-2-4.

- Van Noort, Reinier (2017) Drawing Thibault's circle demonstrated in a GIF.

- Van Humbeek, L. J. M. P. (1905) Handleiding voor het Sabelschermen, a transcription by Reinier van Noort and new edition of L. J. M. P. van Humbeek's "Manual for sabre fencing", originally published in 1905. This new edition is also available in print.

- Van Noort, Reinier (2017) Lesson in the Art of Fencing, an English translation of J. P. Vicards's Lection udi Fægte-kunsten, originally published in Copenhagen in 1765.

- Van Noort, Reinier (2017) Siebenhaar's instructions in the art of fencing, containing English translations of Christiaan Siebenhaar's Wenken en Aanwijzingen voor den Onderwijzer in de Schermkunst (1877), and his Handleiding voor het Onderwijs in de Schermkunst (1861). ISBN 978-82-690382-1-7.

- Van Noort, Reinier (2017) The Dutch Experiment - De Hollandsche Methode, Christiaan Siebenhaar, and fencing in the Netherlands in the 19th Century, a short introduction about fencing competitions in the Netherlands in the mid to late 19th century, published on HROARR.

- Van Noort, Reinier (2017) The Pole Weapons of Jakob Sutor, an English translation of Part 4 of Jakob Sutor's "New Künstliches Fechtbuch" (1612), dealing with staff, halberd and flail.

- Gevaert, Bert and Reinier van Noort (2016) Evolution of Martial Tradition in the Low Countries: Fencing Guilds and Treatises. In: Jaquet, Daniel; Verelst, Karin and Dawson, Timothy. Late Medieval and Early Modern Fight Books. ISBN 978-90-043124-1-8, pp. 376-409. DOI: 10.1163/9789004324725_015.

- Butera, Matteo; Francesco Lanza; Jherek Swanger and Reinier van Noort (2016) The Spada Maestra of Bondì di Mazo, an English translation of Bondì di Mazo's "La Spada Maestra" (Venice, 1696), a late Italian rapier treatise, dealing with single rapier, rapier and dagger, rapier and targa, and rapier and cape. ISBN 978-82-690382-0-0.

- Van Noort, Reinier (2016) "Cheat Sheets" for the Single Sword, Sword and Dagger, and Sword and Cape sections of Dall Agocchie's Dell'Arte di Scrimia, a treatise published in 1572. The "Cheat sheets" are also available in a handy coil binding here.

- Van Noort, Reinier (2016) Short introduction on the most subtle techniques in the Art of Fencing, an English translation of Don Emanuel Friedrich De Bada's "Kort Anledning til de subtileste grep i Fäcktare-Konsten".

- Van Noort, Reinier and Antoine Coudre (2016) The True Principles of the Single Sword, an English translation of Philibert, Sr. de la Touche's "Les Vrays Principes de l'Espée seule", (Paris, 1670). Published by Fallen Rook Publishing, ISBN 978-0-9934216-0-0.

- Van Noort, Reinier (2016) Short proof of the single Rapier, a full transcription and English translation, along with interpretation of Pieter Bailly's "Cort Bewijs van t'Rapier alleen".

- Van Noort, Reinier (2015) Swordplay: an anonymous illustrated Dutch treatise for fencing with rapier, sword and polearms from 1595, a transcription, English translation and interpretation of the anonymous "Schermkunst" manuscript, VAULT Case MS Fol.U.423.792 in the Newberry Library, Chicago. Published by Freelance Academy Press, ISBN 978-1-937439-26-2.

- Van Noort, Reinier (2015) Pascha's Staff with Two Ends, an English translation of Johann Georg Pascha's "Short instructions how the Staff with Two Ends, that is Hunting Staff, Half Pike or Leaping Pole is actually to be used" (1670).

- Van Noort, Reinier (2015) Of the Single Rapier, an English translation of Johannes Georgius Bruchius' "Grondige Beschryvinge van de Edele ende Ridderlijcke Scherm- ofte Wapen-Konste", (Leiden, 1671). Published by Fallen Rook Publishing, ISBN 978-0-9926735-8-1.

- Schäfer, Jan and Reinier van Noort (2015) Notes on Thrust-fencing and on Cut-fencing, an English translation of Pages 259r-260v and 285r-286v of Ms. FB Gotha, Chart. B 2117.

- Van Noort, Reinier (2015) The Artful Fencer, an English translation of "Der Künstilche Fechter", published in 1679 and ascribed to Theodori Verolini.

- Van Noort, Reinier (2015) A transcription of Joachim Köppe's "Newer Discurs der Rittermeßigen und Weitberümbten Künst des Fechtens", first published in 1619.

- Van Noort, Reinier and Jan Schäfer (2014) A transcription of Johann Andreas Schmidt's "Leib-beschirmende und Feinden Trotz-bietende Fecht-Kunst" (1713).

- Van Noort, Reinier (2014) A transcription of Voorschrift Geweervechten (1933).

- Van Noort, Reinier (2014) Lessons on the Thrust, an English translation of Jéann Daniel L'Ange's "Deutliche und gründliche Erklärung der Adelichen und Ritterlichen freyen Fecht-Kunst", (Heidelberg, 1664). Published by Fallen Rook Publishing, ISBN 978-0-9926735-4-3.

- Van Noort, Reinier (2014) Pascha's Partisan, an English translation of the Partisan chapter of Johann Georg Pascha's "Deutliche Beschreibung Unterschiedener Fahnen-Lectionen, In Acht Spiel eingetheilet / Nebst dem Piquen-Spiel / Pertuisan und halben Piquen / oder Jägerstock" (1673).

- Butera, Matteo, Francesco Lanza and Reinier van Noort (2014) The High Sword, a partial, work in progress English translation of Bondì di Mazo's "La Spada Maestra" (1696).

- Van Noort, Reinier (2014) Pascha's Hunting Staff, an English translation of Johann Georg Pascha's "Short instructions how the Hunting staff or Half pike is actually to be used" (1660).

- Van Noort, Reinier (2014) Several pieces of Fencing with the Rapier, an English translation of Ms.germ. Fol. 1476 - an anonymous fragmentary German manuscript on fencing, from the 16th or 17th century.

- Van Noort, Reinier (2014) Fencing on the thrust and cut, an English translation of Johann George Paschen's "Kurtze iedoch Deutliche Beschreibung handlend von Fechten auff den Stosz und Hieb" (1661). This translation is aslo available bound together with Henning's "Instruction in Cut-fencing" here on Lulu.

- Van Noort, Reinier (2014) Instruction in Cut-fencing, an English translation of Erhardus Henning's "Kurtze jedoch gründliche Unterrichtung vom Hieb-fechten" (1658).

- Van Noort, Reinier (2014) A transcription of Erhardus Henning's "Kurtze jedoch gründliche Unterrichtung vom Hieb-fechten" (1658).

- Van Noort, Reinier (2014) Pieces you can use for defense when in need, an English translation of the second part of Sebastian Heussler's Neu Künstlich Fechtbuch (1615).

- Van Noort, Reinier (2014) A transcription and English translation of "Vechtboek" - manuscript BPL 3281, a dagger fighting manuscript from around 1520-1530, held in the Leiden University Library.

- Van Noort, Reinier and Jan Schäfer (2014) Follow some lessons with dagger and rapier, an English translation of the second part of the anonymous Cod. Guelf. 264.23, published on HROARR.

- Van Noort, Reinier and Jan Schäfer (2013) Some Fencing Rules, an English translation of the first part of the anonymous Cod. Guelf. 264.23, published on HROARR.

- Van Noort, Reinier (2013) An English translation of Le Cabinet d'Escrime de Capitaine Péloquin, manuscript 73 J 39 of the Koninklijke Bibliotheek in The Hague.

- Van Noort, Reinier (2013) A "Cheat Sheet" for the Single Sword section of Dall Agocchie's Dell'Arte di Scrimia, a treatise published in 1572.

- Runacres, Rob and Reinier van Noort (2013) The Free Master of Weapons, a translation of Part One of Charles Besnard's 1653 treatise Le Maistre d'Arme Liberal.

- Farrell, Keith and Reinier van Noort (2013) A Primer to Translating Historical Martial Arts Treatises.

- Van Noort, Reinier (2013) A transcription of Voorschrift Bajonetvechten (1914).

- Van Noort, Reinier (2013) Regulation for the Instruction in Fighting with Bladed Weapons - an English translation of the VOVBW (1937).

- Van Noort, Reinier (2013) Fighting with the Klewang - an English translation of the Klewang section of the VOVBW (1937).

- Van Noort, Reinier (2013) A great and secret Master-Piece of the Noble Art of Fencing - an English translation of the fifth part of Johann Andreas Schmidt's Leib-beschirmende und Feinden Trotz-bietende Fecht-Kunst (1713).

- Van Noort, Reinier (2013) On cut-fencing - an English translation of the second part of Johann Andreas Schmidt's Leib-beschirmende und Feinden Trotz-bietende Fecht-Kunst (1713).

- Van Noort, Reinier (2013) A short note on Strengeren or Gaining the blade - an article published on Roger Norling's HROARR website.

- Van Noort, Reinier (2012) A transcription of Jean Daniel L'Ange's Deutliche und gründliche Erklärung der Adelichen und Ritterlichen freyen Fecht-Kunst (1664).

- Van Noort, Reinier (2012) A transcription of Voorschrift voor de Opleiding in het Vechten met de Blanke Wapens (1937).

- Van Noort, Reinier (2012) De Werken van Christiaan Siebenhaar.

- Van Noort, Reinier (2012) A transcription of Johannes Georgius Bruchius's Scherm- ofte Wapen-konste (1671).

- Van Noort, Reinier (2011) A transcription of Christiaan Siebenhaar's Wenken en Aanwijzingen voor den Onderwijzer in de Schermkunst (1877).

- Van Noort, Reinier (2011) A transcription of Christiaan Siebenhaar's Handleiding voor het Onderwijs in de Schermkunst (1861).

- Van Noort, Reinier (2010) A transcription of Art de la Lutte - a 1712 French translation of Petter's Worstel-Konst.

- Van Noort, Reinier (2010) A transcription of Nicolaes Petter's Klare Onderrichtinge der Voortreffelijcke Worstel-Konst (1674).

- Van Noort, Reinier (2010) A transcription of La Scien della Spada - an anonymous manuscript in the Royal Library in The Hague from the early seventeenth century.

- Van Noort, Reinier and Saskia Roselaar (2010)
Fighting with the grain sickle - an English translation of Chapter G7 of De Arte Athletica by Paulus Hector Mair.

- Van Noort, Reinier (2009) Of the Single Rapier - an English translation of Johannes Georgius Bruchius's Scherm- ofte Wapen-konste (1671).

Copyright 2016, Reinier van Noort.